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Apilus xCell 27,12 MHz


ANGIE 13,56 MHz - Ytliga blodkärl, pigmentfläckar och hudflikar

ANGIE 13,56 MHz är en apparat anpassad för eliminering av ytliga blodkärl, kärlspindlar, kärlbristningar pigment-/åldersfläckar och hudflikar.
Tekniken går ut på att placera en nål lätt på huden och sedan "skjuta iväg" en puls av radiofrekvens.

Det bästa med ANGIE 13,56 MHz är att man oftast får bort ytliga blodkärl på endast en behandling, utan komplikationer!

Hög efterfrågan och ett utmärkt tillskott för kliniker och skönhetssalonger, kontakta oss redan idag för mer information.



Thermocoagulation är en behandling med ultrasnabba pulser av radiofrekvens. Denna precisionsteknik används för att minimera synligheten av ytliga kutana brister.

Fördelar med 27,12 MHz

Förklaring på skillnaden mellan 27,12 MHz, 13,56 Mhz och 5 MHz


If today’s electrolysis is efficient, rapid and very comfortable, it’s surely thanks to the unique 27.12 MHz radio frequency of Apilus. Apilus xCell propels this technology to even greater heights by combining artificial intelligence with increased power and outstanding comfort.




MeloFlash is a thermolysis method conducted in hundredths of a second. Since the impulse time is longer and the intensity more gentle, the heat produced is dispersed more widely within the follicle. This technique is the ideal solution for strong, deep, or dehydrated hair.



The SynchroBlend method applies a layered galvanic current of several pico-impulses, interspersed with a thermal relaxation period. Designed for coarse distorted anagen hair, this technique may be combined with a bulb-bulge-bulb movement, and must be done with IsoBlend insulated probes.


As a result of its exceptional speed, the PicoFlash thermolysis technique allows for a very localized and precise coagulation at the base of the hair follicle, while avoiding the diffusion of heat into the surrounding tissues. It offers targeted destruction of the cells responsible for the regrowth of all types of hair, all at a level of comfort that is sure to stun your clients.


The MultiPlex technique combines slow thermolysis with an ultrarapid PicoFlash pulse. The slow thermolysis creates a slight warming of the follicle, enhancing its porosity, and thus the effectiveness of the PicoFlash pulse. It allows for an intense destruction ideal for difficult or slightly deformed hairs.



The Synchro method offers unequalled effectiveness in the removal of difficult and/or deep-rooted hair. Its simultaneous application of several picoimpulses, each lasting from 2 to 5 thousandths of a second, interspersed with a thermal relaxation period, allows for the intense destruction of all germ cells. This technique must be combined with a bulb-to-bulge movement and conducted with insulated probes.


The EvoluBlend method is characterized by the progressively intensified application of a galvanic current, starting at an intensity of 0 mA, and increasing to your patient’s tolerance level. A thermolysis current of 27.12 MHz is applied simultaneously, ensuring an effective and comfortable treatment on even the most difficult hair.



The Apilus xCell Pro version features a whole range of tools that facilitate the professional management of your work activities. Not only will you save time, but you will also be able to provide better customer follow-up, and offer more customized services. It’s like having a personal assistant in your clinic at all times!

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Apilus xCell 27,12 MHz CE märkt.
CE Märkt

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    BeautyLight™ Logo

    BeautyLight™ är ett svenskt varumärke som drivs under företaget NB Nordic AB. Vår målsättning är att ha de mest omfattande företagslösningarna på marknaden, detta gör att vi kan hjälpa våra kunder att etablera sina kliniker på kort tid.

    NB Nordic AB har varit verksam i Sverige sedan 2008, BeautyLight™ har funnits sedan 2011.

    NB Nordic AB bedöms ha god kreditvärdighet. 99,26 – 99,76% sannolikhet till överlevnad. Rapport är hämtad från UC.


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